Information from Here and There
This page contains miscellaneous information that I’ve found here and there. Please send ( any stuff that you come across. Watch this page grow!
Here’s something I found in the Group Health magazine ( Northwest Health, spring 2008)
Four points about safe hikes:
  1. 1.Pick the right hike.
  2. 2.Check the weather, check in with friends.
  3. 3.Prepare for water, water everywhere.
  4. 4.Stay put if you get lost or injured.
Most interesting to me is some information about picking the right hike. Dr. Dan Schaffer was quoted as advising first-time hikers to choose a hike of a length of no more than one mile and elevation gain of no more than 200 feet.
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Exercise vs. Bickering
From the AARP bulletin:
  1. A study from the November 2005 issue of the Journal of Gerontology: Medical Science compared the body’s ability to heal in people who regularly exercise with that in people who do not. The subjects received small puncture wounds on their arms. Those who exercised regularly healed, on average, 10 days earlier than the lazy bones.
  1. When it comes to bickering, Ohio State University researchers compared healing time of blisters for “compatible” couples and bickering couples. The compatible couples healed earlier.
I haven’t seen anything on comparing bickering and exercising with bickering and not exercising or not bickering and not exercising or not bickering and exercising. Let me know if you see anything.
Dangers of a bulging belly
From Group Health’s NW Health
When it comes to your health, there’s one place where accumulated fat is especially dangerous—around your middle. Visceral fat literally surrounds your organis, such a your liver and kidneys, and many experts believe that it wreaks havoc on blood sugar and insulin metabolism. That can lead to heart disease, diabetes, and more.
For women, a waist size of 38 or greater is a red flag. Don’t use your pant size to determine you girth; you need to wrap a measuring tape around the biggest point of your stomach. (PyB: It seems to be this should vary somewhat with size.)
The good news is that just 30 minutes of physical activity can have a positive effect on visceral fat. In fact, it’s the first fat to go when you exercise. (PyB: this wasn’t true for me.) Losing as little as 5 to 10 pounds, or trimming 2 inches from your waist can make a difference.
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