Holiday Eating
From the Pro Sports Club magazine
  1. Eat something healthy before you go to dinner (even if it’s at your own house).
  2. In a buffet, follow the one-plate rule.
  3. Drink water before and during the meal.
  4. Savor the textures and flavors of each bite.
  5. Relax, enjoy the company, eat slowly. (It takes about 20 minutes for the message to get to your brain that your stomach is full.)
Dangers of a bulging belly
From Group Health’s NW Health
When it comes to your health, there’s one place where accumulated fat is especially dangerous—around your middle. Visceral fat literally surrounds your organis, such a your liver and kidneys, and many experts believe that it wreaks havoc on blood sugar and insulin metabolism. That can lead to heart disease, diabetes, and more.
For women, a waist size of 38 or greater is a red flag. Don’t use your pant size to determine you girth; you need to wrap a measuring tape around the biggest point of your stomach. (PyB: It seems to be this should vary somewhat with size.)
The good news is that just 30 minutes of physical activity can have a positive effect on visceral fat. In fact, it’s the first fat to go when you exercise. (PyB: this wasn’t true for me.) Losing as little as 5 to 10 pounds, or trimming 2 inches from your waist can make a difference.
Nutrition Tips
There’s a lot of advice out there. These tips are gathered from various sources and are categorized in a way that I hope is helpful--one never knows. Please add, subtract, comment on, etc.:
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